Publishers, Literary Agents & American Idol Common Thread
What's the common thread between these 3 groups of most cases they all suck.
I self published my kids Hanukkah book and it did, I think, very well selling aproximately 1,000 copies nationwide. So, I thought I am well on my way to finding a "real" publisher or at least finding a literary agent who could find a publisher to distribute the book. But nooooooo. Even with my track record I get the same crap, form letter that is sent out to anyone who sends into them. Agents are pretty much the scum of the world, to be honest. except for one awesome guy who i've talked to. It's almost like they all sit together is a room and hand out the double secret password to join the club and then they selectively pass out the password to their friends.
It drives me crazy, again in most cases, when I hear or read about someone who has a book deal because chances are they have a friend who passed their stuff to the right person at a publsihing house or they had a friend who had a friend who's cousin's sister has a neighbor who works at (fill in the blank). For those writers who work hard and are persistent and send their stuff to agents and publishers and who finally get a break, well I tip my cap to you.
But I really can't stand just about everyone I've had contact with in the publishing industry. They're so smart, they know exactly what will and won't sell. Especially the Children's agents and publishers. Jamie Lee Curtis is to blame for al of the "celebrity" kids books but then you have the authors who churn out the same lazy crap, different title garbage. Meanwhile, heaven help us if someone is actually trying to SAY something that will have an impact on a kid reading or listening.
Anyway, they make me sick.
As far as American Idol goes, they have one marketable (and very talented) contestant, Chris, one who will end up with a sitcom on UPN/WB Kellie and as far as the rest, well who knows.
I love the show, can't wait for next week!
Thanks for reading!
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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